How to Determine the Cost of Your LASIK Eye Surgery

If you are among the millions of people with refractive errors in their eyes, and you have gone to see your ophthalmologist, you would have been asked to go for LASIK eye surgery. Of course, LASIK eye surgery is among the best vision correction solutions available. It heals faster and gives you a perfect lasting vision without further complications.

So, if your ophthalmologist has recommended a LASIK procedure, know that you are on the road to regaining your perfect sight as it used to be when you were still pretty much younger. 

As much as LASIK can turn around a patient’s eye issues for the best, many people still choose to go for other vision corrective options such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Not that they prefer the stress and irritations that come with those eye-correcting wears, they can’t afford to pay the cost of LASIK eye surgery. 

It’s alarming that some people consider LASIK a quite expensive vision correction option.  Considering how beneficial LASIK can be to your eyes, you will agree that it is worth the price. LASIK uses advanced laser technology to provide permanent vision correction for patients. So, if your surgeon asks you to pay thousands of dollars, you should pay with a warm smile.

Meanwhile, LASIK eye surgery can vary from one surgery center to another. As a result, it might be somewhat challenging to conclude the actual cost of LASIK eye surgery. While it is not possible to disclose a fixed cost of LASIK surgery, let’s take a deep look into how much LASIK eye surgery can cost on average. Having known that, you will have an idea of what to expect when going for a LASIK procedure.

What is the average cost of the LASIK procedure?

On average, LASIK eye surgery cost stays between $2,100 to $3,100. Mind you, that amount is for a single eye. If you want to correct both eyes, you will have o double the amount.

If you don’t know, surgeons charge for the LASIK procedure per eye. Your surgeon will determine whether to perform LASIK surgery on one of your eyes or both, depending on your unique vision correction needs. Before making that decision, your surgeon would first conduct an in-depth diagnosis to evaluate each side of your eyes to know the actual corrective solution that would work best for your eyes.  

After the thorough diagnosis, the surgeon will personalize an individual for each of your eyes. Hence, LASIK eye surgery is charged per eye, and the overall cost either for one eye or both depends on the condition of the patient’s vision.

Summarily out, LASIK eyes surgery costs between $2,100 to $3,100 per eye on average, and the overall cost varies from one patient to another. 

Some factors that influence the cost of LASIK eye surgery 

Though we have concluded that LASIK cist varies, some general factors influence how much your surgeon will charge per procedure. Here are the things to consider in determining the price of LASIK eye surgery;

1. Advanced laser technology

LASIK eye surgery involves using advanced laser technology to remove the imperfection from the eye and correct vision which is one of the significant reasons the procedure costs relatively higher.

Suppose you enroll for LASIK eye surgery in one of the best surgery centers. In that case, you can be very sure that you will enjoy the efficacies of advanced laser technology, which guarantees excellent performance and lasting results. But, that means you will have to pay dearly for the excellent service rendered.

2. Personalized comfort and safety

Most LASIK surgeons provide top-notch care for their patients, ensuring that they are safe and comfortable during the LASIK procedure. That makes the whole process more enjoyable for the patients and less painful. 

LASIK eye surgery is performed in a short time. But, if the patients are not adequately cared for, there might be some complications in the process. Mind you, the safety and comfort measures are not for free. The surgeon would have to factor it into the overall estimate of the LASIK procedure. Hence, the cost of LASIK can be higher.

3. Expertise in surgical care 

LASIK requires a high level of expertise and experience. Since it involves advanced laser -technology, LASIK surgeons are trained and certified. Meanwhile, you need to note that no surgeon can be accredited to perform LASIK eye surgery without completing thousands of procedures.   

When going for the LASIK procedure, have it in mind to patronize seasoned surgeons who successfully have conducted thousands of LASIK procedures. And, when you are served at the hands of expatriates, you should know that you have bills to pay. 

4. Follow up Care 

Patients can indeed have corrected sight within the first 24 hours after LASIK surgery, but it is not feasible that you will have perfect vision just in an instant. It takes more weeks to have an ideal vision after LASIK. 

Surgeons need to prescribe aftercare medications for patients and do a consistent follow-ups. During this period, the patient would need to keep visiting the ophthalmologist for a helpful guide on administering the drugs and checking. 

The follow-up treatment helps speed up the patient’s recovery process. But it is not for free. Meanwhile, you don’t have to pay the additional costs for the aftercare service. It’s already added to the overall cost of LASIK surgery. If you want to read about How Should the Recovery Process Be Shared Between Patients and Clinicians? please click here.

5. LASIK is not insurance covered

Another primary reason LASIK tends to cost higher is because most insurance companies don’t bear the cost. If you are under any health insurance contract, you must discuss it with your insurance manager before going for LASIK surgery. 

Most health providers claim that LASIK eye surgery is an elective procedure. That means you will have to pay for it even if you are under any health insurance contract. 

Final Words 

LASIK can indeed be somewhat expensive – though that’s a relative statement. Yet, I don’t think money should be the reason you will ignore an effective vision correction option that can restore your sight to a perfect state. If you can afford the actual cost of the procedure, feel free to negotiate with your health provider to settle for a lower amount that is easier for you.  You can read about HOW to Apply Eye Drops After LASIK Eye Surgery by visiting